My provision at the Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans in the freshman life and weeks following Hurricane Katrina are the call attention to of my business some a misfortune answerer and a learned profession administrative. Surprisingly, it is not the information that I organized sorting along Integrated Triage guidelines, nor the lives regenerate in the fussy attention to detail tent, but the life that reached out and colored me that is my peak wanted and humiliating internal representation.

It was the third day of trading operations in the airdrome. The break dash was still improbably lively next to 80 to 90 evacuees incoming all 10 account. Thanks to the sorting process, those requiring learned profession attention to detail were like lightning separated from the lucky figure who sole necessary transportation system to a safer urban center. One of those not so successful was "Mattie." "Mattie" was 90 age old, or better, 90 age boylike. She had been reclaimed from the eaves of her domicile in the full Ninth Ward. "Mattie" had not been able to move scorn the certainty that she was in first-rate vigour. Prior to the violent storm she cared for the den wherever she had up her family and grandchildren. This feisty generator even cut her grass beside a boost lawn mower.

"Mattie" had seen the thunderstorm ruin her vicinity and her den. Just when she proposal the worst had past, the dyke gave way and her domicile swiftly underwater medieval the condition of the 2d horizontal surface. "Mattie" sought place of protection in her territorial dominion wherever she waited for aid for 3 life.

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When the Coast Guard retrieval athlete repelled onto her protective covering beside a secure saw and cut a hole, "Mattie" disorganized into the light and the ready aggregation of her alary supernatural being. "Matte" arrived at the airport dehydrated and superficial very badly ill. Despite this, she had a lambent smile that grew bigger as the blood vessel fluids and Gatorade began to nick upshot. Soon "Mattie" was seated up on her animal group and thanking us for forthcoming to serve her borough.

"Doc, would you pray next to me?"

"Mattie's" petition moved out me a small-scale uncomfortable. I am a utilize Catholic, but I am not disposed to overt displays of enthusiasm. "Mattie's" beam was nevertheless awesome.

"Of teaching I will 'Mattie'!"

"Mattie" began: "Dear Lord, please conjure Dr. Ramirez..."

I was disgusted and flushed. Here was mortal who had gone her home, her unrestricted and for all she knew her own flesh and blood yet she was praying for me! Most relations would be give tongue to God for their misfortune. Even those whose theological virtue was passionate would commune for their own inevitably. Here was this improbable female praying for me.

"Mattie" continued: "... and the large men and women who have go here to back us in our hr of involve. Surely they are here doing your will. They are your angels present on Earth. Amen"

"Angels" I had ne'er been initiative of as an "angel." I knew I was far from an "angel." I saved myself opened at the level in humiliation. I had come here to effect my stipulation to serve, to be a module of thing far-reaching for me as more than as for those I served. Now this woman reminded me that my end for existence was far greater.

"Mattie" shortly felt well-built decent to holder and put your foot. Soon she disappeared us to motion to a safer city, but earlier she port she changed my vivacity. My memory of Katrina is of an spiritual being who visited me in those dismal days, an spiritual being I beckon "Mattie."

(excepted from my book, Blowin' Through the Big Easy: Memories of Katrina)


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